Tahanea atoll was just going to be an overnight stop but we changed the plan again – something we are incredibly good at – and sailed to the far east corner of the reef and anchored in the most beautiful location we have yet visited in these coral islands. We are anchored on a clear sandy ledge just deep enough for Artemis. The picture book reef, with palms and white beach, protects us from the ocean swell but lets the wind through to cool us and drive the wind generator.
We were three boats at anchor with Nomad and Off2C nearby so invited “everyone” over for dinner. The main course was to be curry with coconut so we spent the day collecting, husking and scraping out coconuts to make milk. Luckily the Nomads had the necessary tools and knowledge so we learned quickly and the curry tasted tropical. In the afternoon Bella also dropped anchor so it was eight of us for dinner which was a bit tight but great fun. Heidi spent almost the entire evening in the companion way serving food and drinks and ensuring everyone had all they desired.

During dinner we discovered that Aimee from Off2C was a yoga teacher so the following day, in the afternoon, we had our first yoga lesson on the beach. Neill was “only along for the ride” but also enjoyed it immensely so since then it has been yoga every afternoon with sundown drinks to follow. No fitness studio will ever compare to a sandy beach with ocean waves crashing on to the reef while the wind rustles the palms. And you will have to look a long way to find such a patient and good teacher as Aimee.

We were planning on moving on today but didn’t quite make it so today’s plan is now tomorrow’s. We’ll see what happens.